Gabby FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Send us an e-mail.

In the Gabby application:

  1. Tap on the info button (upper right corner).
  2. Tap on the Settings button
  3. Tap on Voices
  4. Select a voice and then adjust the speed and pitch. You can test each change by tapping the speaker button (upper right corner).

Even though the voices are listed, they may not be downloaded to your device or have been purged because of low space. iOS will try to use the voice closest to what you pick if it hasn't been downloaded or available on the device. To download, do the following:
  1. Open the iOS Settings application
  2. Tap on Accessibility
  3. Tap on Spoken Content
  4. Tap on Voices
  5. Tap on your language (i.e. English)
  6. Tap on Voice Name (i.e. Alex)

Click here to send support an e-mail and they will reply back with instructions to reset it.

You need to be in admin mode when changing settings (this prevents accidental changes).

To Enter Admin mode, do the following:
1. Tap on the Image in the upper right corner of the screen (just left of the info buttom ).
2. Tap on Become Administrator
3. Enter your Admin password (initially set when starting Gabby the first time)
4. The image should now change to .